Ellie Goodwin

Million Makers

I’m doing a Bungee Jump!

The Prince’s Trust believes that every young person should have the chance to succeed, no matter what their background or the challenges they are facing. 

I am taking the biggest leap of faith that there is in the UK - a 300ft Bungee Jump! I will be jumping from twice the height of a standard Bungee Jump in the UK, at Manchester's Tatton Park. To raise funds for The Princes Trust, I am pushing myself to the limit - against my fear of heights. As someone who stands at only 5ft, I have always been afraid of heights, and will be challenging a life long fear. Not only is the jump twice the height of a standard bungee jump - I will be jumping from 300ft, which is 60 times my height. Any donation that you can spare, big or small, will go such a long way to support The Princes Trust, and allow them to transform a young persons life. Thank you so much for your support!

My Achievements

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Reached 50% of Fundraising Target

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My Updates

Bungee Jump!

Wednesday 7th Aug
I am taking the biggest leap of faith that there is in the UK - a 300ft Bungee Jump! I will be jumping from twice the height of a standard Bungee Jump in the UK, at Manchester's Tatton Park. To raise funds for The Princes Trust, I am pushing myself to the limit - against my fear of heights. As someone who stands at only 5ft, I have always been afraid of heights, and will be challenging a life long fear. Not only is the jump twice the height of a standard bungee jump - I will be jumping from 300ft, which is 60 times my height. Any donation that you can spare, big or small, will go such a long way to support The Princes Trust, and allow them to transform a young persons life. The Princes Trust works to aid young people that are in a disadvantaged position, and enable them to reach their potential - transforming and saving lives. Thank you so much for your support! 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Chris Potter

Good luck Ellie I would say go smash 💥 it but i don’t think that’s suitable for this challenge 🥴