Frequently Asked Questions

Getting Started

What is the Future Steps Challenge? 

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Future Steps is a 10,000-steps-a-day challenge taking place throughout February, raising money for The Prince's Trust. Take part individually, or as a team of up to 6.

Simply register and create a fundraising page then download the Future Steps App to track your steps and fundraise to support young people facing adversity to transform their lives.

You can download the app on Google Play or Apple store.


How long is Future Steps? 

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Future Steps takes place throughout the month of February, starting on 1st February and ending on 29thFebruary 2024. You can sign up to take on the challenge at any time until the end of February. 

How do I register? 

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Register through the website today.

When registering for the Future Steps challenge, a profile and fundraising page will automatically be created for you, using the information you provide. The name that you have registered with will also be used to display your position on the stepping and fundraising leaderboards. Your registration is complete once you are taken to view your fundraising page. 

Is there a registration fee? 

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It's free to register for Future Steps, though we ask that participants do their best to fundraise £100 each. This will help us to support young people across the UK to reach their full potential and take their future steps.  

What if I can't do 10,000 steps a day?

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We understand that 10,000 steps every day may not be manageable for everyone. You can change your monthly stepping target in your profile under the ‘My Steps’ section when editing your page. Just choose how many steps you’d like to do each day and times it by 29 to get your target for the month. We still ask everyone to aim to raise £100 each.

Please be aware that you may still receive some comms and notifications referring to the 10,000 step target.

How can I get my teammates to join my team? 

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During registration you will be asked whether you would like to create or join a team.

Only one person should create the team, and they will automatically be made Team Captain. If your team has already been created you should see the name in the drop down list. If it's not showing in the dropdown list then it may be set to private; your team captain can change this in their settings. 

If you are taking part with your workplace, your team can also be connected to your organisation. The name of your organisation should already be listed in the drop down. If you can’t see it, please email futuresteps@princes-trust.org.uk and we can add it for you.  

Remember the maximum number of team members is 6. Too many in your team? Why not encourage others to start their own team for a bit of healthy competition? 

Why is my team not showing on the list to join? 

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It may be that your team has been set to private so not just anyone can join. If this is the case, ask your Team Captain to send you a direct link to join the team. They can also set the team to public in their settings. 

How do I add my organisation? 

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If your organisation isn't showing up on the drop-down list, get in touch with us at futuresteps@princes-trust.org.uk.

What happens if I am ill in February? 

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If you are ill or cannot take part, you can submit a daily average of steps for up to three days, by selecting ’My Steps' on your dashboard and adding your average step count. However, if you miss more than three days, your average cannot be used and the total steps for the fourth day (and further missed days) will be zero. 

Will I receive regular emails from The Prince's Trust? 

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Yes, in the lead up to and throughout your challenge, we will be in contact with updates, tips and advice so please make sure to read the emails. If you aren't receiving them, check your spam folder. 

We recommend that you turn on your app notifications to receive push notifications too. 

For more information on how we process your data, please see The Prince's Trust's privacy notice. If you  would like to check your communication preferences and change how we contact you, please get in touch by emailing futuresteps@princes-trust.org.uk


I can't find my email confirming my participation in Future Steps, where has it gone?

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Please check your spam or junk email folders in case it's arrived there.  

If you still can't find the email or would just like to check that your registration has been received, please email futuresteps@princes-trust.org.uk.  

Where can I get more information about the challenge?

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Please contact futuresteps@princes-trust.org.uk for more information.

How can I promote Future Steps within my company?

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We’ve created some resources to help you shout about Future Steps and get as many of your employees involved as possible. Visit our online resources hub.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to your Prince’s Trust contact, or 
futuresteps@princes-trust.org.uk for more support with recruiting teams. 


How do I set up a fundraising page?

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When you register for Future Steps, a fundraising page will be set up for you automatically. It will be linked to the event so your activity will pull through to the leaderboards and the overall fundraising total.

You will be sent an email with a link to your fundraising page so you can share it far and wide, and keep track of your progress. 

How much do I need to raise?

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We ask that everyone aim to raise a minimum of £100 per person. That’s a little over £3.50 per day or the price of a coffee. 

Can I fundraise past the end of February?

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Absolutely! Whether you've already smashed your fundraising target, or you've still got donations coming in, we would absolutely love if you could keep going. 

Will you give advice on how to fundraise? 

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We are here to help you fundraise every step of the way. We will support you by including fundraising tips and ideas in our emails to you, so look out for them landing in your inbox.

Pop us an email any time, we are more than happy to talk through ideas with you -

What if I fundraise offline?

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Your online fundraising page is the quickest and easiest way to fundraise. Any donations will be automatically transferred to The Prince's Trust so you don't have to do anything. You can also add Gift Aid to help boost your fundraising.

You can fundraise offline if you prefer, but please do let us know at futuresteps@princes-trust.org.uk so we can ensure that we recognise your fundraising efforts.

Can I fundraise using another online provider?

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When registering for the event, a fundraising page will automatically be set up for you. We recommend you use this platform as your page will link through to the leaderboards and the overall fundraising total.  

We know that you may have to use another platform due to your workplace policy or to gain match-funding. If that’s the case, just let us know by emailing futuresteps@princes-trust.org.uk. 

Why are my donations not showing on my fundraising page or team page?

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There is a short delay in donations pulling through to the page. Make sure your supporters are donating directly to your fundraising page, and not to the overall Future Steps campaign. If donations aren’t showing within 24 hours, please let us know by emailing futuresteps@princes-trust.org.uk.

Why is my self-donation not showing on my dashboard?

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Donations in the 'My Donations' section of your dashboard are just those from your supporters. If you have made a self-donation, it will only show on your fundraising page but will still count towards your total. 

The challenge

How do I track my steps? 

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Simply register online and link your Fitbit, Garmin, or Map My Fitness. 

If using Garmin or Map My Fitness, please be aware it will only sync steps taken within tracked activity, not your daily stepcount. 

We recommend that you submit steps manually via the App by entering the step count, or enter your distance which will be converted into steps. 

Any problems, please email us - futuresteps@princes-trust.org.uk

Why can’t I connect my Apple device or Google Fit?

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We are using a different platform provider this year which doesn't have the ability to connect Apple or Google Fit devices. However, you can sync your watch with Map my Fitness which you can then connect with the Future Steps app.

We are looking into Apple and Google Fit integration for Future Steps 2025.

Any problems, please send us an email - futuresteps@princes-trust.org.uk

Can I add steps at a later stage?

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Yes - if you are manually adding your steps to the app you can add them at any time. However, we recommend you log them at the end of each day so you don't forget.

f you’ve synced your account with your Fitbit, Garmin or Map My Fitness, your steps are automatically updated to the app. 

Can I track activity that isn't walking or running?

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Yes, you can convert any activity into steps. We suggest using this free Activity to Steps Converter to help you work out the steps, then you can add them manually to your profile. 

Why are my steps not showing on my fundraising page or team page? 

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There is a short delay in steps pulling through to the pages, if they aren’t showing within 24 hours, please let us know by emailing futuresteps@princes-trust.org.uk.

How do I add my steps manually on the app?

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If you are adding your steps manually using the app, you can enter your daily 'Step Count', enter the 'Duration' as any amount of time (we recommend 12 hours to keep is simple), select your 'Activity type' and click save. 

Can I see a company leaderboard? 

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You are able to view a company leaderboard which shows you how other organisations taking part are measuring up.

This year the platform doesn’t have the ability to have separate leaderboards to view activity within your own organisation. The Organisation Leads have access to this information through reports they can download, and it will be up to them to share this information with participants. If you don't have an Organisation Lead assigned, get in touch with us at futuresteps@princes-trust.org.uk.

How often will the leaderboard update? 

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There is a short delay in the leaderboards updating, this should only be around 30 minute maximum. If your information isn't showing up withing 24 hours, please contact us - futuresteps@princes-trust.org.uk