Stewart Matthews

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I'm cycling miles to change young lives from Buckingham Palace to Windsor Castle

On Sunday 6th October, I will be taking part in Palace to Palace and cycling 45 or 90 miles from Buckingham Palace to Windsor Castle and raising fund for the Prince’s Trust.

The Prince's Trust has tailored programmes and provides long-term support give young people the practical skills and emotional resilience to pick themselves back up and create their own positive futures.

The recent Class of Covid report reveals almost half of young people in the UK (49%) feel anxious about their future on a daily basis, with 59% agreeing it feels frightening for their generation. Findings suggest the impact of the pandemic and now a cost-of-living crisis is taking its toll on young people, as 45% agree anxiety around recent political and economic events affects them daily. More than a third (35%) feel their life is spiralling out of control, and for those from lower income backgrounds, this increases to 41%.

Please help me to support The Prince's Trust by sponsoring my Palace to Palace cycle ride and sharing my page. Just a £20 donation could provide a young person with an experienced youth worker for an hour, building their confidence, resilience and motivation during this time.

My Achievements

My Updates

Yabba Dabba Dooo

Monday 1st Jul
Start of a new week, some new cycling stash has arrived (thanks to Lockerstash) and I now have a FANTASTIC, bright orange, Fred Flintstone cycling jersey! Been out for my first dusk ride tonight. Almost 13 miles in the bank and it's only Monday.
Happy with pace and how my legs are feeling afterwards, probably could have gone longer but didn't fancy pushing a friendship at the start of the week!

Training ride #1

Sunday 16th Jun
Took Beryl out on a 3.75mile ride. Covered in 16mins averaging 14.2mi/hr. 

Legs feeling the pace a bit in comparison to the slower mountain bike ride but a good start to the challenge.

First Day...New Wheels

Sunday 16th Jun
So, made the leap to a road bike yesterday. Got to love Facebook marketplace...changed a chain and brake pads today! If I'm going to be successful on this journey, I need to know my kit! Beryl (yes, as in Beryl bikes) has been named after the aqua bikes of the 'ford. None of those in Staines so my black/aqua bike is now Beryl the bike! :)

Thank you to my Sponsors


Petrus Schrauwers



Matthew Curtis

Good luck



Good Luck!


Hugo + Roo

Good luck daddy x


The Days

If your back hurts we don’t want to hear about it!


Stephen Crook

Good luck Stew you're doing it for a great cause


Wendy Kent

Get training and you will do this.


Charlotte Mihailovic

Good luck!


Mum & Ger

Good luck bud!! Remember for every uphill there will always be a down 😅🚴‍♂️

Start tour