Mikey Colyer

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I'm cycling miles to change young lives from Buckingham Palace to Windsor Castle

On Sunday 6th October, I will be taking part in Palace to Palace and cycling 45 miles from Buckingham Palace to Windsor Castle and raising fund for the Prince’s Trust.

The Prince's Trust has tailored programmes and provides long-term support give young people the practical skills and emotional resilience to pick themselves back up and create their own positive futures.

The recent Class of Covid report reveals almost half of young people in the UK (49%) feel anxious about their future on a daily basis, with 59% agreeing it feels frightening for their generation. Findings suggest the impact of the pandemic and now a cost-of-living crisis is taking its toll on young people, as 45% agree anxiety around recent political and economic events affects them daily. More than a third (35%) feel their life is spiralling out of control, and for those from lower income backgrounds, this increases to 41%.

Please help me to support The Prince's Trust by sponsoring my Palace to Palace cycle ride and sharing my page. Just a £20 donation could provide a young person with an experienced youth worker for an hour, building their confidence, resilience and motivation during this time.

My Achievements

Updated profile picture

Shared fundraising page

Made a self donation

Half way there!

Fundraising target achieved!

Raised £300!

My Updates

Bike serviced + cheeky 18km easy ride

Sunday 15th Sep
Got my bike back today and went on an ~ 1 hour ride exploring near where I live. Mix of gravel + road cycling

Leg day 💪🏻

Thursday 12th Sep
Started off with some light stretches then some warm up sets for squats finishing with 3 sets of 120kg for 10. Also got a PR in leg extensions with 125kg for 14 reps. Want to start adding in again glute exercises and hip abductors / adductors again- just need to find the time or wake up earlier 🥱

‘Easy’ 30km on bike

Wednesday 11th Sep
Back to preparing for the long ride. Keeping it easy with 30km since I have leg day tomorrow

Two days, two targets beaten

Wednesday 11th Sep
Again wow! 

When I set out with my original target of £150 I thought it would be a tough one to reach. But already we have raised £350! 

Thank you everyone so much. Let’s see if we can get £500!!!

After work tonight I will be hitting the gym again for a second time today for a long spin session so stay tuned

Smashing the target

Tuesday 10th Sep
Within less than 12 hours of sharing the link to my donation page we have smashed my fundraising goal of £150. I did not expect this at all.

Thank you so so much for everyone who has donated so far it really means a lot and is for a good cause.

Thanks again,

Road to 45

Monday 9th Sep
Since it is less than a month away I am beginning to take preparation seriously. I am getting my bike serviced so for the next few days I shall be sticking to the spin bike. 

After some strength and conditioning after a long day at work, I finished with a 25 minute easy 10km interval finishing with a 1km sprint.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Edward Colyer

Well done Mikey I’m sure you’ll smash it


Jenny Colyer

Good luck Mikey you will smash it x


George Colyer

Calling it 1:22:51


Oliver Turnbull

Bike boi bike!


Daniel Allen



Joanne Colyer


Tom Hooper

The boats and logs aren’t big enough for that mountainous build, you’re gonna smash it Mikey


Tita Jing

Good luck Mikey! God bless



good luck :))


Thom & Cheri Colyer

Good luck Mikey, sounds like an epic challenge for a great cause. Hope it stays dry for you! From Thom & Cheri x


Amelia Colyer

Well done Mikey. Proud of you xx


Adam Stewart

First a half marathon, now a 45 mile bike ride. Iron Man happening when? ;)




Dafydd House

Cycle like the mighty welshman Geraint Thomas. Legend says he just imagined a sheep running in front of him so maybe give that a go :) Good luck boss




Emily :)

Goodluck!!! You’ll smash it!


Ben Colyer


Matt Bolderston





Start tour