Bea Montoya

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Sienna and Bea will be cycling 45 miles to raise funds for the Prince's Trust

I have somehow committed to doing a 45mile cycle ride to raise funds for the Prince's Trust. 

The last time I rode a bike in London... was in 1995, when I was knocked off it by a massive lorry and was so grateful to have lived that decided not to get into such bike again (in fact, I abandoned that bike at the scene!). 

But many years have gone by and the cause is simply too good to pass - so I hope you help me make it count, by digging as deep as you can for the most amazing cause. 

But my biggest achievement may not be the completion of the race, or the money I raise, but rather the fact that I've convinced by 16 years old to do it with me -  her training so far... about 2km - so I hope she gets a little more into it! 

The Prince's Trust has the most amazing mission,  giving opportunities to those who need them most. It provides long-term support and give young people the practical skills and emotional resilience to pick themselves back up and create their own positive futures.

Please help me to support The Prince's Trust by sponsoring my Palace to Palace cycle ride and sharing my page. Just a £20 donation could provide a young person with an experienced youth worker for an hour, building their confidence, resilience and motivation during this time.

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors






Blue Array Limited



To Bea for all the help and support you've given Rosie


¡la Tripulación De La Costa Oeste!

¡Buena suerte B, mejor tú que yo!


Paul Hunt

Bea and Sisi, I’m really proud of you both. Keep training and enjoy the experience! Love P x


Richard Pitkethly

Don’t get a puncture


Nathaly Molle

Go go Bea and Sienna! Best of luck x



Go for it Bea and Sienna!

Start tour