Nigel Anderson

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I'm cycling miles to change young lives from Buckingham Palace to Windsor Castle

On Sunday 6th October, I will be taking part in Palace to Palace and cycling 45 or 90 miles from Buckingham Palace to Windsor Castle and raising fund for the Prince’s Trust.

The Prince's Trust has tailored programmes and provides long-term support give young people the practical skills and emotional resilience to pick themselves back up and create their own positive futures.

The recent Class of Covid report reveals almost half of young people in the UK (49%) feel anxious about their future on a daily basis, with 59% agreeing it feels frightening for their generation. Findings suggest the impact of the pandemic and now a cost-of-living crisis is taking its toll on young people, as 45% agree anxiety around recent political and economic events affects them daily. More than a third (35%) feel their life is spiralling out of control, and for those from lower income backgrounds, this increases to 41%.

Please help me to support The Prince's Trust by sponsoring my Palace to Palace cycle ride and sharing my page. Just a £20 donation could provide a young person with an experienced youth worker for an hour, building their confidence, resilience and motivation during this time.

My Achievements

Updated profile picture

Shared fundraising page

Made a self donation

Half way there!

Fundraising target achieved!

Raised £300!

My Updates

My Story

Wednesday 18th Sep

Thank you so much for taking the time to look at this page and consider sponsoring me. If you can’t afford to sponsor me I very much understand the pressures people are under in the current economic climate, but please consider looking at the work that the Prince’s Trust undertakes on a daily basis for youths and young adults across the UK and you may feel that you can help at a later date. 


Road Cycling has become a big part of my life in the last five years that has improved my physical health, enabled me to see interesting places and beautiful vistas, and most importantly develop a shared bond with wonderful people met en route. I have ridden quite a lot in the past but this particular route from Buckingham Palace to Windsor will be a big challenge for me as it will be the longest distance I have ever attempted in a competitive event. Any donation you make could make a big difference so please sponsor me if you are able to. Thank you, Nigel

Thank you to my Sponsors


Simon Mackereth

I assume the 90 miles is you getting lost?


Andrew Cobbold


Nigel Anderson


Terry Morgan

Wishing you all the best on a very worthy cause 👍


Tim Venn

Go Nige



Good on ya Speedy!


Alistair Hamilton


Claire Farley

Amazing effort


Tom Metcalfe-smith

Good luck with the ride. Fingers crossed for a tail wind 🤞

Start tour